Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Our New Friend
Sunday, September 27, 2009
We Stopped To Smell The Roses
As we drove along, there were a lot of historical markers along our route but we didn't get to stop at all of them.
We passed fields with large old trees that were obviously planted in rows years ago. This marker explains that the area was a nut farm.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Saturday Sleep-In
Now I'm fat and happy and calling it a day, see ya tomorrow!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Got Carded In Texas
Figured I would have a drink but it wasn't that easy. Seems that Applebees is in a dry county.
In order to get a drink, I had to show my drivers license so they were sure that I was at least 21 ........ yea right! Next I had to fill out a form listing my name and address so I could get what they call a membership card.
Once that was all done, they issued my the card below and I was cleared to get drunk.
Hey, now I'm a full fledged member of the Texas drinking club and this card can be used in any of the dry counties that serve liquor.

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Nothing New
I come home for lunch because I am only a mile away from camp, then I get out of work at 2:30. I get to rest for a half hour then Joyce and I drive to the track and do our two laps.
Tonight we had turkey burgers with fried green tomatoes and ranch dressing. A lot of premier shows on TV tonight on so got to go.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Oh No, It Didn't Rain
The track is only down the street so I gave in. But first it's important to stretch so I tried but things don't bend like they use to.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Time To Exercise
The track is nine tenths of a mile long around a large soccer field and there were some people there already walking. Now I don't feel that I really need to walk nine tenths of a mile every night because I'm already in great shape!!!!!!
I told them that I was fine and that I was still breathing in and out. Joyce said that they were just being nice, yeah!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
New Camp and The Sun Is Shining
Didn't get to watch the Patriots play ball but from what I heard, we didn't miss much.
The black tank wash stopped working and I wasn't able to rinse the tank when we dumped at the last campground. I did some online research on the Tiffin forum and found that the rinse nozzle tends to get clogged if it's not used at each dumping. People on the forum suggest removing the nozzle and opening the spray holes out to 3/32". So looking at the coach in the picture above, we had to remove the large panel forward of the rear wheel. Once removed, the wash nozzle is install at the top of the tank on the end and was very easy to remove.
The nozzle was clogged and had to be flushed out which wasn't a pleasant job due to the matter that was clogging the small holes.....thank God for rubber gloves. I opened the holes to 3/32" and had Joyce run the water while I held the nozzle in a bucket. Everything was clear and working fine so we put it all back together and ran it for five minutes to insure there were no leaks. Another job well done!!
Had a problem with our Master Card (What's in Your Wallet), it was showing a charge of $13.15 for a bogus company that we never heard of. I looked it up on the web and found that the fraudulent company was created by the Russian mob, yup the Russians are coming! They somehow get your credit card number and charge a small amount to it with the hopes that you won't notice. When I checked online I found that this company was charging the same amount of $13.15 to a lot of people so keep a close eye on your credit card bill. We had our card canceled and a new card issued.
Oh man, back to work tomorrow after a short weekend, oh well I do get to sleep an extra half hour if the trains go easy.