As we approached the Park, there was this sign posted at an overlook.
At the above sign you can look down and see the North entrance of the park.
I forgot to get a shot of the park entrance. The park contains a beautiful Juniper Campground that can handle any size RV but note that there are no services. You can fill up your water tank and dump you waste tanks. There are usually Bison roaming in the campground but we didn't see any.
The sign warns of the Bison and you must be extra careful as we were told that it is mating season and the bulls are competing for the prettiest cow,.
A view of the river as it passes through the park.
Now this was really cool, there are all sorts of round and odd shaped rock sticking out like they were baked in there.
This shot only shows a small sample of some of the rocks.
Here's a closeup, neat huh!
This is the cattle trail used to drive cattle during the 1080's
The trail to the right
And the trail to the left.
I didn't get the story on this small hut overlooking the canyon. Great view!
And this is the canyon
Man and Grass, it's amazing how great man is at destroying.
The plains are beautiful and the air has a sweet odor to it.
Bentonitic Clay!
You can see the clay described above.
Apparently a Glacier passed through here.
I'm amazed that they can get all that information from the two small rock sitting in the grass.
Ox Bow Bend Overlook
Ox Bow Bend looking to the right.
Ox Bow Bend looking to the left
Some information on the Texas Longhorn.
Wow, nice ride with beautiful scenery and a smooth hard gravel road. Practically no dust at all and the air was cool.
Everything was going fine till we began running into these big trucks. We later found out that this road is the service road to the oil rigs.
Every time one of those big rigs went by, we had to remove some of the dust. So much for the shortcuts.
When we drove to the park we had to take a longer route due to road work on route 85. As we were leaving the Park, I noticed on the GPS that we could save about an hours drive time if we took a gravel road through the canyon. Well needless to say we love getting off the beaten path with the Jeep. As we drove we passed these large field of sage
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