Early in the AM the birds begin their journey along the Salton Sea. These birds were to the right of us and they all flew by us and continued along the Salton to points to our left. Birds from our left flew to points to our right. I'm sure this must make sense to the birds but to me all they're doing is switching sides of the water.
Here we are at
Salvation Mountain.

To those of you that have been following our travels, you'll recall our trip here last year. We wanted to see how Leonard was doing and if any additions had been done.

I'm happy to say that Leonard is doing fine and making slow progress on the mountain additions. Along with the additional work, it also looks like he has been repainting things.

He does have an awful lot of empty paint cans kicking around.

If you're ever in the area of Niland, Ca. take Main street across the tracks and continue on to Slab City, it's a must see.

The batteries in the camera were dying and we didn't bring the back-up set so we really didn't get but a few pictures of the crazy RV's at Slab City.
We did have visitors when we got back to the camp. People were stopping by to ask us how we like our motorhome, you meet some really nice people when your traveling.
Take my advice; stay away from Salvation Mountain. He MUST be a fruit-cake.
Define "fruit-cake"! I believe that everyone should have the freedom to express themselves. Leonard is not pushing his beliefs on you, he has just created his work based on his beliefs so others may enjoy looking at it if they wish to.
Sometimes I can be a bit of a fruitcake, look at some of my pictures!!!
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