Quoted From A Fellow Traveler:

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance.

Monday, February 9, 2009

A Day At The Alamo

Due to a very slow internet connection I was not able to post a lot of pictures. This was very frustrating because there was a lot more information that I wanted to include but not able to.

The Alamo Village is a movie set that was constructed for the movie The Alamo and and other numerous movies since 1951. The Alamo set and the western town are two separate sets constructed close to each other.
This is the actual set used for the 1959 movie "The Alamo" which was filmed by John Wayne's own studio.

This is the barracks within the walls of the Alamo compound.
This is a shot of the inside wall where the main gate is located to allow access to the inside of the fort.
This staircase is to the left of the main gate that leads into the courtyard.

From the Alamo we venture down to the western town to tour the buildings. The town was built with all the buildings having four walls, a concrete floor, and a roof.

The posters give descriptions to the pictures below them.
This one is for the Jail

Jail Cells
Parson's House


Us on main street at high noon!!!
The Law, Richard was very informative and we must have talk to him for the best part of an hour. He was originally from PA. nut had such a love for the westerns, he ended up here over twenty years ago and is still living his dream.

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