Quoted From A Fellow Traveler:

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Still on the Trace, Tuesday

Last night was a horror show for us. We knew it was going to be cold so we moved Mac to the back of the coach with us. We closed off the back and just used that furnace to keep us all warm and save on battery usage. Furnaces really eat the juice out of your batteries so everyone was running their generators all night. I saw no reason to do that with the set-up we have and everything was going fine till 2:30 am.
The cheapo thermostat on the bedroom furnace decided to start acting up. The furnace would start but would not fire the propane for heat. After about three minutes of running, it would shut off. The only way I could get it to supply heat was to set the thermostat to 70 degrees but that is too warm for us. So I ended up using the galley furnace and had to heat the entire coach in order to get some sleep.
Today I dug out another thermostat that I had and swapped out the bad one in the bedroom, everything is working good now.
As we left our free camp that was located on the Trace, we came upon the Meriwether Lewis grave.

The memorial

The Inn where Lewis met his death.
Meriwether Lewis Home
As we moved on we came across this old Tobacco Farm along the Trace

Tobacco Farm Barn where the leaves were hung to dry.
A view from an overlook along the Trace.
A section of the old Trace towards the end in Tennessee
Mac running away!!!!!!
Mac changing his mind.
As we came closer to the end of the Trace in Tennessee, the flowering trees became more common.
The Birdsong Hollow Bridge that we crossed, and wow what a cross wind that hit us.
Just a short video of the sights.

We are now about nineteen miles east of Nashville. We plan on traveling into Nashville for a look tomorrow.

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